(APRIL 23, 1927 -Â JANUARY 2, 2022)
I was born in India and raised in a Chapel environment in Wales.Â
I spent my teenage years in a Catholic school, the only Protestant in the class. I was full of questions! We also had a staunch Anglican student staying with us, and she and I spent many hours debating the beliefs of various churches. While I loved the debating, I longed to know where I belonged.
Finally, one night, at the age of seventeen, I cried out to God with tears, “Father God, which do you want me to be, Catholic or Protestant?” I left the decision in His hands, got into bed, and went to sleep. I woke up next morning, suddenly seeing why Catholics said what they did!

I sought out a priest and asked him to instruct me. He told me who Jesus was and how He had died so that I could live in union with God. After several months of tuition with this priest, I joined the Catholic Church.Â
Jesus drew me closer and closer to Him, and I wanted nothing more than to lay down my life for Him in love. He asked me to join an order of nuns whose world-wide work was among the very poor in the inner cities.
There were nearly nine years from entering to taking one’s final vows. It was a long and intensive training, and I loved it! We never knew whom we would be sent to — a mother having her seventh child in dire poverty, an old bedridden lady so flea-infested that her neighbors could no longer cope, or a satanist lady who hated us but suffered us to nurse her as she was dying with a hideous breast cancer. We nursed anyone who could not afford to pay for help.Â
We were trained to see in those we nursed the image of our Lord and to do to them as we would do to Him.Â
I loved the life to which God had called me, and I was surprised when midway in the sixth year it all changed. My heart was torn again – could God be behind this change? Could He really be asking me to leave the order? Those in authority over me in the order saw the tension I was under and suggested that I leave for a while to see what God was wanting for my life.Â
The Lord knows what is best for each of us. In His design, all of us have our own aspect of His work to which He has called us.
I did leave the convent, but continued nursing in a London hospital. He led me into marriage, where I learnt much that I could not have learnt in a convent, and we had four wonderful children!Â
Then the Charismatic Renewal swept across Britain and woke lots of us up to new and exciting possibilities. Christians joined together to worship Jesus, and I came alive.
My husband recognised that this was necessary for me, but he could not have any part of it at that time. I could not understand why we were being divided. It was very painful, so to give him time, I stopped going to the meetings. I thought it was the loving thing to do, but he was furious that I had stopped, and he insisted that I should continue. “You are coming to life, and I will not be responsible for stopping it. However, I must find my own way,” he said. We had been married twenty-four years when he left and remarried.Â
Again my heart was torn. Could God be behind all this? He was!
God asked me to leave England and to come to America to a multi-denominational seminary for three years to learn the Protestant theological languages. I came to study another side of Christianity and to taste many of the differences that exist in His Church. Following God can be a roller-coaster ride!Â
I was at the seminary when all sorts of people started to come to me for inner healing from past wounds sustained from life’s struggles, and to my surprise, God healed them!
I joined a ministry team led by anthropologist, Dr Charles Kraft. We went on mission trips to places like Morocco to encourage missionaries who were isolated from each other, lonely, and even depressed at seeing so little fruit for their labors. We also went to churches in Nigeria, Canada, and America.
Wherever I went, I saw God healing His people. Soon, some of them settled around me and asked that I teach them how to work with the Lord to see Him heal hurting people too. This is how Resurrected Life Ministries was born. It is now a non-profit organization dedicated to healing, training, discipling, and sending out others to do the same work.Â
Continuing the Legacy
We are honoring Molly Sutherland's legacy and carrying forward her vision. As a new team stepping into leadership roles, we are dedicated to upholding the values and principles that guided Molly's ministry. We recognize the significance of the work she accomplished and the impact she had on countless lives through Resurrected Life Ministries.
With a deep sense of responsibility, we are committed to maintaining the spirit of love, healing, and transformation that characterized Molly's approach. We understand the importance of providing a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can encounter God's love. Drawing upon the teachings and wisdom imparted by Molly, we aim to continue offering guidance, support, and resources that inspire people to discover their true identity in Christ and live purposeful, abundant lives.
We are filled with a renewed sense of determination and passion to carry on her mission. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve and impact lives, and we remain dedicated to building upon the solid foundation she laid. With God's grace and the support of the Resurrected Life community, we are confident that we can honor Molly's memory by continuing to make a positive difference in the lives of those seeking spiritual healing and growth.
Inspired by Molly’s legacy, we offer guidance, support, and resources for people who seek spiritual healing and growth. We provide you a way to encounter God’s love in a safe, nurturing space.